WIndows default wallpapers tend to be simple and boring. If you are tired of them, then you may like this program. It is an animated wallpaper that shows beautiful images that resemble the view you may get when traveling in a starship. The images' colors and forms change from time to time, thus giving a huge variety of views.
The program also includes a screensaver which shows the same moving images as the wallpaper. It also has a control panel that lets you choose the type of image you want to view, the speed and the direction (backward and forward) of the movement, and the time between the changes.
Maybe the main disadvantage of the program is that its moving picture may be distracting for some users. Also, you need a good graphic card to get the best performance.
The shareware version shows a "nag screen" after about an hour, and stops working when you choose not to upgrade it. Also, it contains only one graphic option. If you want to get rid of these limitations and take advantage of the full version, you will need to purchase a license.
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